Tuesday, 22 September 2015

School Magazine

There are many differences between a magazine that is sold in shops and a school magazine; school magazines are not sold to customers however they are given out to individual students in school. There are certain conventions on a magazine that is not included in school magazines, for example barcodes are obviously not include as they are only given out to students, and are not sold to anyone else in public. Also, there will not be a lot of issues/editions as they are only made annually or every term.

On the other hand, a school magazine will include some similar features such as a mast head, central image and anchorage. As you can see from the image below, the mast head is "College" which is written in bold yellow text to make it stand out to the readers. The color of the mast head also contrasts with the background to make it more engaging to the reader. This will be one of the first things that the reader will see. In addition to the mast head, a central image will also be one of the first things to be seen by the reader.

In this magazine, an image of a student smiling is used. This is probably used to make the readers think that the school is very outstanding and enjoyable. The editors of the magazine chose a smart looking student to be on the center of the magazine, in addition they specifically positioned him like this whilst holding textbooks in one hand. The textbooks represent hard work and good study environment within the school, which may persuade readers to join the school. The cover model has to be chosen very carefully because they will be the one to represent the school. Every school magazine cover conveys the school in a positive way.

Other features of a school magazine are cover lines; these are used to tell readers about the contents of the magazine and are located around the front cover. There are several cover lines on the image above. These lines include; "Why we love Blackberry", "Make money on Campus" and "Thank God it's Friday". There are a few things in common with all the cover lines, they are all written in uppercase form as well as in white or yellow font. The use of color is to make the text more appealing to the readers.

Both school magazines and other magazines sold in shops include anchorage and a pug. An anchorage is a term that refers to how images are referred to. The anchorage is usually around or beside the central image and tend to be written in bold or in colorful font. As you can see above, the anchorage says "Dancehall's Bright Future" and is written in bold yellow font, this is to attract the reader.

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